Meet the former Assistant United States Attorney (AUSA) Monica Edelstein. Michael Quiel considered Edelstein the most dangerous type of AUSA. As the prosecutor of his criminal charges, Quiel maintains she created evidence, presented that false evidence to a jury, and mislead the jury all the way to his false conviction. Now that she has become Judge Monica Edelstein, he says he fears for people standing before her. Arizona Governor Doug Ducey must have thought Edelstein would be “tough on crime” when he gave her a judgeship in the Maricopa County Superior Court, in 2020. I mean, who wouldn’t. Here is an attorney whose record clearly shows she is a powerhouse. But just what do those conviction numbers represent? In at least Michael Quiel’s conviction, an innocent person who was railroaded with a manufactured, false narrative – that Quiel believes she helped craft – to deceive the jury into supplying a guilty verdict.